This time blocking technique has helped me get so much more done!!
If you are anything like me, then you struggle to get things done. For me, I have a lot of BIG ideas, and sometimes it’s hard for me to prioritize and get things completed.
If you are anything like me, then you probably also get super frustrated when you don’t get things done.
So, herein lies the problem. You struggle to complete things but have a deep desire to be the person who completes things. In realizing my dissonance, I have decided to create various resources to help me get more done and feel productive each day. And I want to share one of those things with you.
The time blocking technique that I am about to share with you, will hopefully be a healthy medium for you.
For this technique, you need a few items. They are listed as follows:
- Sticky notes ( You may consider purchasing some of the sticky notes that I design and sell here in my shop)
- A time blocking template – download it here for free.
- Timer – I love this cube timer
- a pen
- a few minutes to spare before getting right to work.
Time Blocking Technique
This time blocking technique builds upon the original idea of time blocking as well as a few elements of the Eisenhower method. Time blocking is as the name says, you mark off blocks of time to do something specific and that things only. For the Eisenhower matrix, check out this video below for an overview.
My Timeblocking Task Flow
So here’s what I do.
Step 1: Write out a list of all the things that you need to do. Once you have a list, now you can write each task on individual sticky notes.
Step 2: You need to assign a set amount of time to each task. Try to assign more time than you think you need.
Step 3: Align your tasks by your top priority. Then layout your other two tasks however you choose or stick with the priority aspect (this is the Eisenhower matrix part).
Step 3: Set your time and begin working on the most important task. Work on it without distractions for the allotted time.
Step 4: Take a mini-break. You can set the activities for breaks as well as your allotted time for breaks before starting.
Step 5: Repeat step 3 for your other two tasks.
Here is a fun video that breaks this down.
Thanks so much for reading! Let me know your thoughts and if you found this helpful.